The Nordic statistics database on demography covers data on the population structure in the Nordic region. This includes family structure, fertility, migration, urbanisation, population size, population change and population projections.
Population size
Population size covers statistics on the size of populations by citizenship and birthplace. The data contains population sizes, both in the Nordic countries and in their capitals. Historical population changes from 1850 and onwards are also available. Sweden has the largest population among the Nordic countries.
The figure displays the population count as of January 1, by country and time.
Population change
Population change covers statistics on population growth and decline. This includes population counts, births, deaths, immigrations and emigrations. Iceland reports the largest relative population growth, whereas Greenland reports the smallest relative growth in population.
Source: Nordic statistics database, POPU10
The figure displays an index of total population growth, by country and time.
Population projections
Population projections include statistics on expected population growth and decline, by age and gender of the inhabitants. The latest population forecasts suggest that the Nordic region will continue to grow over the next 20 years, but at a slower rate than in the last decade. All countries and self-governing regions except Finland and Greenland are expected to grow until the end of each projection period.
Source: Nordic statistics database, POPU06
The figure displays population projections by country and time.
Migrations covers statistics on immigration, emigration, asylum applicants and unaccompanied minors. The net migration is positive for most countries during the displayed time period.
Source: Nordic statistics database, MIGR03
The figure displays the total net migration by country and time.
Urbanisation covers statistics that reflects the degree of urbanisation in the Nordic countries. It contains proportions of the population living in cities, towns, suburbs and rural areas. Iceland has the largest proportion of the population living in cities.
The figure displays the percentage of the total population living in cities, by country and time.
Urbanisation covers statistics that reflects the degree of urbanisation in the Nordic countries. It contains proportions of the population living in cities, towns, suburbs and rural areas. Iceland has the largest proportion of the population living in cities.
Source: Nordic statistics database, POPU09
The figure displays the percentage of the total population living in cities within each country.
Family Structure
Family structure covers key indicators on family structure in the Nordic countries including statistics on marriages, divorces, rates of childlessness and parents age at the birth of their firstborn child. The mothers' age at the time of their first-born child has increased in all countries over time.
Source: Nordic statistics database, CHIL06
The figure displays the average age of mothers at the time of their first-born child, by country and time.
Fertility covers statistics on abortions, fertility rates and live births. Most countries have witnessed a decline in fertility rates over time. Rates are reported every fifth year in the beginning of the time series and every year since 1990.
Source: Nordic statistics database, CHIL02
The figure displays the number of births per 1 000 women in the Nordic countries, by country and time.