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Nordic indicators for Our Vision 2030

A green Nordic region

Climate action
Moderate challenges ahead Greenhouse gas emissions
Moderate challenges ahead Consumption based greenhouse gas emissions
Minor challenges ahead Extent of Arctic ice
Affordable and clean energy
Minor challenges ahead Renewable energy
Moderate challenges ahead Energy intensity
Moderate challenges ahead Greenhouse gas intensity
Responsible consumption and production
Moderate challenges ahead Material footprint
Minor challenges ahead Recycling of municipal waste
Ambitions fulfilled Ecolabelling
Life on land
Minor challenges ahead Protected land areas
Minor challenges ahead Organic farming
Minor challenges ahead Farmland birds
Life below water
Moderate challenges ahead Protected marine areas
Ambitions fulfilled Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea
Minor challenges ahead Fish stocks in the Arctic Ocean and the Barents Sea

A competitive Nordic region

Quality education
Ambitions fulfilled Educational attainment
Major challenges ahead Early school leavers
Ambitions fulfilled Adult participation in education
Decent work and economic growth
Minor challenges ahead Employment
Minor challenges ahead Employment in circular economy
Ambitions fulfilled Economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Ambitions fulfilled Expenditure on R&D
Ambitions fulfilled Green patents applications
Minor challenges ahead Digitalisation (DESI)
Sustainable cities and communities
Minor challenges ahead Transport in buses and trains
Ambitions fulfilled Pollution in urban areas
Minor challenges ahead Open public spaces in urban areas
Nordic mobility
Minor challenges ahead Intra-Nordic immigration
Ambitions fulfilled Intra-Nordic trade
Ambitions fulfilled Cross-border commuting

A socially sustainable Nordic region

Good health and well-being
Ambitions fulfilled Life expectancy
Minor challenges ahead Self-rated health
Ambitions fulfilled Preventable and treatable mortality
Gender equality
Moderate challenges ahead Gender-segregated labor market
Moderate challenges ahead Fathers share of parental leave
Ambitions fulfilled Female members of parliament
Reduced inequalities
Ambitions fulfilled Economic inequality
Ambitions fulfilled Risk of poverty
Major challenges ahead Labour market integration of foreign-born
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Ambitions fulfilled Social trust
Minor challenges ahead Voter turnout
Minor challenges ahead Crime, violence or vandalism
Strong cultural life
Minor challenges ahead Culture-related trade between the Nordic countries
Ambitions fulfilled Public spending on culture
Ambitions fulfilled Household spending on culture

Nordic status
  • = Ambitions fulfilled
  • = Minor challenges ahead
  • = Moderate challenges ahead
  • = Major challenges ahead
Nordic trend

= On track

= Moderate improvements

= Stagnation

= Wrong direction