Environment and energy
The environment and energy section in the Nordic statistic database contains data on biodiversity, ecolabel licenses, emissions, energy use, fertilizers, pesticides, waste, environmental accounts and taxes.
Biodiversity covers statistics on the rate of change in the occurrence of common farmland birds. There has been a general decline in common farmland birds since 2000.
Source: Nordic statistics database, BIOD01
The figure displays an index of common farmland birds by country and time.
Ecolabel licenses
Ecolabel licenses cover statistics on the number of registered Nordic Eco Label licenses (the Swan) and EU Eco Label licenses (the Flower). The number of registered Nordic Eco Label licenses in the Nordics have increased over time.
Source: Nordic statistics database, ECOL01
The figure displays the number of registered Ecolabel licenses (The Swan) for the Nordic region over time.
Emissions covers statistics on greenhouse gases, air pollutants, exposure to particulate matter and air emission accounts. National greenhouse gas emissions have decreased in most Nordic countries over time.
Source: Nordic statistics database, EMIS11
The figure displays national greenhouse gas emissions (by 1,000 tonnes CO2 equivalents) for all sectors and indirect CO2, by country and time.
Energy use and supply
Energy use and supply covers statistics on inland energy consumption, primary production of energy, share of energy from renewable resources and final energy consumption. The Nordic countries rank high in renewable energy from a European perspective.
Source: Nordic statistics database, ENER08
The figure displays percentage of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption, by country and time.
Environmental accounts
Environmental accounts covers statistics on material flows, emissions of greenhouse gases from production and services as well as environmental, economic and social key data. Sweden has the lowest greenhouse gas emissions per capita from production and services.
Source: Nordic statistics database, ENVAC03
The figure displays the total greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents) from production in tonnes per capita, by country and time.
Environmental taxes
Environmental taxes covers statistics on taxes on energy, transport and pollution. The percentage of combined environmental taxes in the total tax revenue has decreased in many Nordic countries over time.
Source: Nordic statistics database, ENVTX01
The figure displays the percentage of environmental taxes in the total tax revenue, by country and time.
Fertilizers and pesticides
Fertilizers and pesticides covers statistics on the consumption of nitrogen and phosphorus as well as sales of various pesticides. Denmark and Sweden are the largest consumers of nitrogen.
Source: Nordic statistics database, FERT01
The figure displays the consumption of nitrogen as a fertilizer, measured in 1 000 tonnes, by country and time.
Waste covers statistics on the incineration, recycling, composting and landfilling of waste, measured in percentage of total waste and kilogram per capita. Denmark, Norway and Greenland reports the highest total waste generated per capita. Break in time series: 2016 for Norway.
Source: Nordic statistics database, WASTE01
The figure displays the total municipal waste generated by country and time in kilogram per capita.