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Integration and migration

The Nordic statistics database on integration and migration includes data on educational attainment levels, employment rates and population structure for foreign-born individuals and their descendants. 

The integration and migration statistics presented in this section is the result of a co-operation project involving Nordic Statistical Institutes. Results were first presented in November 2018 and data imported to the Nordic Statistics Database. 

An update of the statistics was conducted in the summer of 2024, adding three additional years to the data. Work is ongoing to extend this landing page with more information and figures. The new landing page on integration and migration is to be published before the end of the year. 


Population covers statistics on the population structure of foreign-born individuals, their descendants and non-Nordic immigrants by country background, length of stay, reason for residence permit, sex, and age. Sweden had the largest number of foreign-born descendants in 2022. 

Source: Nordic statistics database, CITI03

The figure displays the number of foreign-born descendants by country in 2022.

Labour market

Labour market covers statistics on employment rates and individuals not in work or education among foreign-born individuals and their descendants. Sweden reported the highest employment rate among foreign born descendants aged 20-64 years in 2021.

Source: Nordic statistics database, WORK30

The figure displays the employment rate among foreign-born descendants in 2021 by country.


Education covers statistics on educational attainment levels by various indicators such as country background, population category, years since enrolment, reason for residence permit, sex, and age. Norway reported the highest tertiary educational attainment level for foreign-born descendants aged 20-64 years in 2021.

Source: Nordic statistics database, EDUC32

The figure displays the percentage of foreign-born descendants having attained tertiary education in 2021 by country.