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Integration and migration

The integration and migration statistics presented in this section are the result of a co-operation project, involving Nordic Statistical Institutes, called Nordic comparative measures on migration and integration, financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers. This Nordic co-operation project has been ongoing since 2015 and the aim has been to harmonize immigration and integration statistics among the Nordic countries.

Results were first presented in November 2018 and data was updated in the summer of 2024. The full database can be found here.

Data for Iceland will be added in the future, the delivery has been delayed due to a revision of the method for estimating the population at Statistics Iceland.  

Definitions and variable explanation

 - Foreign-born: Foreign-born with two foreign-born parents (foreign-born with native-born adoptive parents are excluded).

 - Descendants: Native-born with two foreign-born parents.

 - Rest of population: Total population excluding descendants and foreign-born with two foreign-born parents.

Filter feature

Under each graph on this page, there is a filter option. Use this function to filter on various variables and background variables for the data at hand. The data visualized in the graph, including headlines, will be adjusted accordingly to your selection.

The filter variable Region of birth refers to the variable Country background in the database. Additional data and perspectives are available in the source matrices, which can be accessed by clicking the link provided under each graph. For more information on the variables and their definitions, consult the footnotes and metadata in each source matrix. 


The population section contains information about the population structure in the Nordic countries by region of birth, length of stay and reason for residence permit. On this page, focus is on the foreign-born population. Please note that there is additional data on descendants and rest of the population available in the database.

Population background

The figure displays the distribution of the population in the reporting countries divided into three categories: foreign-born, descendants and rest of the population. Adjustments can be made by sex, age and year.

Source: Nordic statistics database, CITI03

Foreign-born over time

The figure displays the number of foreign-born individuals by reporting country over time. It can be adjusted by region of birth and age.

Source: Nordic statistics database, CITI03

Foreign-born by gender

The figure displays the number of foreign-born men and women by reporting country. It can be adjusted by region of birth, age and year.

Source: Nordic statistics database, CITI03

Foreign-born by length of stay

The figure displays the number of foreign-born individuals in the reporting countries by length of stay (i.e., time since first date of registered residency). It can be adjusted by region of birth, sex and year.

Source: Nordic statistics database, MIGR06

Reason for residence permit

The figure displays the number of individuals born outside of the EU in the reporting countries divided into the following 6 categories according to the reason for residence permit. The figure can be adjusted by region of birth, sex and year.

Refugee: Granted asylum or residence permit on humanitarian grounds, as a resettlement refugee, or as a person who belongs to a group with collective protection.

Family - refugees: Granted residence permit as close family member reuniting, accompaning or forming a family with a refugee in the host country.

Family - other: Granted residence permit as close family member reuniting, accompaning or forming a family with a person who is not a refugee in the host country.

Labour: Primary reason for residence permit is labour.

Education: Primary reason for residence permit is education.

Other: Granted residence for all other reasons.

Source: Nordic statistics database, MIGR07

Educational attainment

The educational attainment section contains information about the highest level of education attained by population background, time, gender and reason for residence permit. On this page, focus is on the foreign-born population. Please note that there is additional data on descendants and rest of the population available in the database.

Highest level of education attained by population background

The figure displays the proportion of individuals that have attained a certain level of education as their highest education in the following three categories: foreign-born, descendants and rest of the population. Adjustments can be made by level of education, age and year.

Source: Nordic statistics database, EDUC32

Highest level of education attained among foreign-born, over time

The figure displays the number of foreign-born individuals that have attained a certain level of education as their highest education, by reporting country over time. It can be adjusted by level of education, region of birth and age. 

Source: Nordic statistics database, EDUC32

Highest level of education attained among foreign-born, by gender

The figure displays the number of foreign-born men and women that have attained a certain level of education as their highest education by reporting country. It can be adjusted by level of education, region of birth and age.

Source: Nordic statistics database, EDUC32

Level of education by reason for residence permit

The figure displays the percentage of individuals born outside of the EU that have attained a certain level of education by the following 3 reasons for residence permit. The figure can be adjusted by level of education, sex and year.

Refugees and family: Granted asylum or residence permit on humanitarian grounds, as a resettlement refugee, or as a person who belongs to a group with collective protection. Alternatively granted residence permit as close family member reuniting, accompanying or forming a family with a refugee in the host country.

Family - other: Granted residence permit as close family member reuniting, accompanying or forming a family with a person who is not a refugee in the host country.

Other: Primary reason for residence permit is education, labour and all other reasons.

Source: Nordic statistics database, EDUC33

Enrollment in education

The enrollment in education section contains information about individuals that have enrolled in but not completed secondary education as well as the percentage of foreign-born that have enrolled in various levels of education. 

Individuals that have not completed secondary education after 6 years since enrollment, by population background

The figure displays the proportion of individuals that have enrolled in, but not completed, secondary education in the following three population categories: foreign-born, descendants and rest of the population. Adjustments can be made by sex and year.

Source: Nordic statistics database, EDUC31

Foreign-born enrolled in education

The figure displays the proportion of foreign-born that are enrolled in a certain educational level by reporting country and time. Adjustments can be made by level of education, sex and age.

Source: Nordic statistics database, EDUC30

Labour market

The labour market section contains information about the labour market situation for foreign-born, descendants and the rest of the population. This includes NEET and employment rates by various background variables such as gender, length of stay and reasons for residence permit.

On this page, focus is on the foreign-born population. Please note that there is additional data on descendants and rest of the population available in the database. For more information on the definition of employment used in each country, please consult the footnotes in the respective source matrix.

Employment rate by population background

The figure displays the proportion of employed in the population by reporting country for the following three categories: foreign-born, descendants and rest of the population. Adjustments can be made by region of birth, sex and age.

Source: Nordic statistics database, WORK30

Employment rate among foreign-born

The figure displays the employment rate among foreign-born by reporting country over time. It can be adjusted by region of birth and age.

Source: Nordic statistics database, WORK30

Employment rate among foreign-born, by gender

The figure displays the employment rate among foreign-born men and women by reporting country. It can be adjusted by region of birth, age and year.

Source: Nordic statistics database, WORK30

Employment rate among foreign-born by length of stay

The figure displays the employment rate among foreign-born individuals in the reporting countries by length of stay (i.e., time since first date of registered residency). It can be adjusted by region of birth, sex and year.

Source: Nordic statistics database, WORK31

Employment rate among foreign-born by reason for residence permit

The figure displays the employment rate among individuals born outside of the EU in the reporting countries, by the following 3 reasons for residence permit. The figure can be adjusted by length of stay, sex and year.

Refugees and family: Granted asylum or residence permit on humanitarian grounds, as a resettlement refugee, or as a person who belongs to a group with collective protection. Alternatively granted residence permit as close family member reuniting, accompanying or forming a family with a refugee in the host country.

Family - other: Granted residence permit as close family member reuniting, accompanying or forming a family with a person who is not a refugee in the host country.

Other: Primary reason for residence permit is education, labour and all other reasons.

Source: Nordic statistics database, WORK32

Proportion neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET)

The figure displays the percentage of individuals neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET), by reporting country for the following three categories: foreign-born, descendants and rest of the population. Adjustments can be made by region of birth, sex and age.

Source: Nordic statistics database, WORK30

Foreign-born neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET)

The figure displays the proportion of foreign-born individuals neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET), by reporting country over time. It can be adjusted by region of birth, sex and age.

Source: Nordic statistics database, LABO30