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Nordic Indicators for Our Vision 2030

Our vision 2030 is the vision of The Nordic Co-operation to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. Three strategic areas are prioritized: a green Nordic Region, a competitive Nordic Region, and a socially sustainable Nordic Region. Status and development is described by 15 indicators within each area, in total 45 indicators for the vision as a whole.

More information on Our Vision 2030 for the Nordic co-operation can be found here and here.

An overview of the 45 vision indicators can be found here.

Data on the Nordic Indicators for Our Vision 2030 can be found here.

A green Nordic region

A green Nordic region is one of three strategic priorities linked to the vision 2030. A total of 15 indicators are collected in 5 main areas: climate action, affordable and clean energy, responsible consumption and production, life on land, and life below water. One of the chosen indicators reflect the share of energy from renewable sources, which has increased steadily in the past two decades.

Source: Nordic statistics database, GREE21

The figure displays the percentage of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption by time. The Nordic region is comprised of the following countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

A competitive Nordic region

A competitive Nordic region is the second prioritised area linked to the vision 2030. A total of 15 indicators are collected in 5 areas: quality education, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities, and Nordic mobility. One of the chosen indicators is attainment of tertiary education, which has increased over time. 

Source: Nordic statistics database, COMP11

The figure displays the percentage of individuals aged 30-34 years that have attained tertiary education by time. The Nordic region is comprised of the following countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

A socially sustainable Nordic region

A socially sustainable Nordic region is the third prioritised area. A total of 15 indicators are collected in the 5 main areas: good health and well-being, gender equality, reduced inequalities, peace, justice and strong institutions, and strong cultural life. One of the chosen indicators is life expectancy, which has increased over time. 

Source: Nordic statistics database, SOSU11

The figure displays life expectancy at birth assuming that age-specific mortality levels remain constant, by time. The Nordic region is comprised of the following countries/areas: Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Finland, Åland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.