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Prices and consumption

The Nordic statistics database on prices and consumption contains data on tobacco consumption, sales of alcohol and price development.


Prices cover key indicators relating to the economy and price development in the Nordic countries. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the average price trend for the entire private domestic consumption based on prices consumers actually pay. The CPI has increased most in Iceland and Norway in recent years. The harmonised version (HICP) can be found here.

Source: Nordic statistics database, PRIC01

The figure displays Consumer Price Index by country and time.

Smoking and alcohol

Smoking and alcohol contains information on sales of alcoholic drinks and the number of daily smokers. The difference in sales of alcoholic drinks between the Nordic countries has reduced during the measured time period. The data is retrieved from the Nordic Health & Welfare Statistics database. Read more here.

Source: Nordic statistics database, HEAL02

The figure displays sales of litres pure alcohol per capita, by country and time.