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Public finance

The Nordic statistics database on public finance contains data on government deficit, debt, taxes, expenditures and aids to developing countries.

Government deficit and debt

Government deficit and debt covers key economic statistics on national finance balances. This includes financial assets, financial liabilities, borrowing, lending and debt. Norway had the highest net borrowing in relation to their GDP for the majority of the time period. It was also positive, except for the pandemic year 2020, meaning that Norway was net lending.

Source: Nordic statistics database, PUBS14

The figure displays net borrowing in percentage of GDP, by country and time.


Taxes covers statistics on government tax revenue and net taxes. Denmark and the Faroe Islands has the highest total taxes in percentage of GDP.

Source: Nordic statistics database, PUBS12

The figure displays the total taxes in percentage of GDP, by country and time.

Public expenditure

Public expenditure covers statistics on the expenditure of governments on functions such as defence, health, education, environmental protection and other public services. Greenland has the highest total government expenditures in percentage of GDP.

Source: Nordic statistics database, PUBS13

The figure displays the economic expenditure made by governments in percentage of GDP, by country and time.

Government aid to developing countries

Government aid to developing countries covers statistics on bilateral and multilateral flows of government aid from the Nordic countries to developing countries. In percent of gross national income, Norway and Sweden are the largest providers of government aid among the Nordic countries.

Source: Nordic statistics database, OFDE02

The figure display government aid provided by the Nordic countries to developing countries in percentage of gross national income (GNI), by country and time.