Social integration and income
The Nordic statistics database on social integration and income contains information about day care, income, poverty and social protection.
Income covers statistics on gender pay gaps, annual earnings and various income indicators. The mean income has increased in all countries over time.
Source: Nordic statistics database, INCO01
The figure displays the mean equivalized net income in PPS (Purchasing Power Standards) / Euro, by country and time.
Poverty covers statistics on income inequality and the risk of poverty. The country with the highest inequality, here represented by the Gini coefficient, is found in Greenland. Most Nordic countries lie below the European average.
Source: Nordic statistics database, GINI01
The figure displays the Gini coefficient, by country and time.
Social protection
Social protection covers statistics on social finance assistance, service housing, pensioners and out of home care for children and adolescents. Expenditures on cash benefits and services in relation to GDP increased in all countries in 2009 after the financial crisis. The data is retrieved from the Nordic Health & Welfare Statistics database. Read more here.
Source: Nordic statistics database, SOEX01
The figure displays expenditures on cash benefits and services in percentage of GDP, by reporting country and time.