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Nordic gender equality indicators

The Nordic gender equality indicators is a collection of 33 indicators selected to illustrate the Nordic region from a gender perspective.

The indicators are selected from existing topics in the database and describe the status of gender equality regarding demography, family and care, health, education, labour market, income, as well as power and influence. 

A report on Nordic gender equality by the Nordic Council of Ministers can be found here.

Data on the Nordic gender equality indicators can be found here.


Education covers statistics on educational attainment levels, graduated students and early leavers from education. The percentage of women having attained tertiary education levels has increased in all countries over time.

Source: Nordic statistics database, EDUC11

The figure displays the percentage of women having attained tertiary education levels, by country and time.

Labour market

Labour market covers statistics on employment, unemployment, inactive population and labour market segregation. The percentage of women in male-dominated industries is low in Norway compared to the other Nordic countries.

Source: Nordic statistics database, LABO06

The figure displays the percentage of women in male-dominated industries, by country and time. 

Influence and power

Influence and power covers statistics on gender balances in areas associated with power and influence, including positions such as CEO, board president or board member. The percentage of female board members at large publicly listed companies is larger in the Nordics than in the EU as an average.

Source: Nordic statistics database, LABO08

The figure displays the percentage of board member seats held by women, by country and time. 

Family and care

Family and care covers statistics on children in day care, childlessness, time spent on unpaid housework and cash benefits at childbirth. The percentage of childbirth-related cash benefit days taken by men has increased in all countries over time.

Source: Nordic statistics database, SOCI04

The figure displays the percentage of daily cash benefit days taken by men, by country and time.


Health covers statistics on abortions, life expectancies, health problems, deaths and absence from work due to illness. The gap in life expectancy at birth between the genders has decreased in all countries over time.

Source: Nordic statistics database, LIFE02

The figure displays gap in life expectancy at birth between the genders, by country and time.


Income contains various indicators related to income for men and women, including gender pay gap and risk of poverty. Gender pay gap is often used to illustrate inequalities in labour market conditions for men and women. All countries report a pay gap above zero, which implies that men on average have higher gross hourly earnings than women. 

Source: Nordic statistics database, INCO05

The figure displays the average difference in gross hourly earnings between men and women expressed as a percentage, by country and time.


Demography covers statistics on population structure, fertility rates and parents age at birth of first child. The mothers' age at the time of their first-born child has increased in all countries over time.

Source: Nordic statistics database, CHIL06

The figure displays the average age of mothers at the time of their first-born child, by country and time.