February update 2025


The Nordic Statistics Database has been updated for the first time in 2025. The next update is scheduled for mid-March.

Some examples of what has been added:

In KEY01, Inflation rates, Share price indices and Exchange rates for 2024 are now in. In KEY02, Q3 values on all key economic variables included (Consolidated gross debt, Net borrowing, Employment rate and NEET-rate) are almost complete, and Q4 values on Economic growth rate are starting to come in. 

In KEY03 , December values on Inflation and Unemployment rates are almost complete, as are November values on Import and Export. Visualized data can be found in the dashboard on the Current economic state

Continuing on the economic theme, PRIC01, National consumer price indices, and PRIC06, Harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) now have 2024 values.

Eurostat have released new data in a number of Nordic Statistics source matrices. For example, under Bioeconomy, 2024 data are now in for three matrices: AGRI10 on Arable land and permanent grassland, AGRI11 on Crop production from arable land and AGRI12 on Crop yield from harvested area. And under Environment and Energy, three matrices now have 2023 data: ENER05 on Gross inland energy consumption, ENER06 on Primary production of energy and ENER10 on Final consumption of energy. Energy is an area where the production of statistics takes a long time due to complicated collections and methods.